Saturday, April 23, 2011

Royal Botanical Gardens "A Taste of RBG"

Sat, 30 Apr, 2011 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Royal Botanical Gardens Hamilton, ON
Join us for activities, speakers and hands-on demonstrations. Our horticulturalists share their expertise and provide tips for your own home gardens; our ecologists help you understand what’s happening in our natural lands and the impacts of invasive species; and our researchers reveal what happens behind the scenes at RBG, and show off our 60,000-specimen-rich herbarium collection and our latest research findings.
For information go to 
CPS will have a booth at this event.
Jardins botaniques royaux "A Taste of RBG"
Sat, 30 Apr, 2011 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Royal Botanical Gardens de Hamilton, ON Rejoignez-nous pour des activities, des conferenciers et des demonstrations pratiques.  Nos horticulteurs partager leur expertise et des conseils pour vos jardins propre maison, nos ecologistes vous aider a comprendre ce qui se passe dans les coulisses de RBG, et montrer 60,000 notre - herbier echantillon riche et nos derniers resultats de recherche.
Pour plus d'informations aller a
CPS aura un stand lors de cet evenement.

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