Root Sale

CPS Root Sale 2015 is now CLOSED
The root sale is our major fundraising initiative
Open to members of the CPS ONLY

We would like to thank 2014 donors for their time and donations:
Blossom Hill Nursery: Amy, Joe & Hazel Cook, Dutch Girl Peonies: Adriana Work, Ferncliff Nursery:  Sheila and David Jack, La Pivoinerie D'Aoust: Lindsay D'Aoust, Parkland Perennials:  Bob Yaremko, Peonies from the field: W.G. Mills, Mike/Terri Clare, Pivoines Capano:  Mano Capano
Allan Daku, Michel et Doreen, Tom Harris/Dennis Gebhardt, Reiner Jakubowski, Daniel Lessard, Blaine Marchand-Jamie Robertson, Eva Mitravitz, Holly Pender-Love, Brian Porter, Beverley Sheridan, Gladys Sykes, François-Léo Tremblay, Bill Wegman, 
Please support our nursery friends when looking for the roots you didn't get.

Please Go to the following site to see our complete list of roots

Some questions about how to donate answered below:
I would like to know when/how people know what roots they will have available for the CPS root sale before the August newsletter?   
When the request is sent out for root donations members look at their plants and decide if they have a root they would like to give to the sale.  They should be large enough for 3-5 eyes.  Of course there is no way to know this until it is dug up. Once you have decided to donate you send me the name and how many divisions you think you may have. (eg I have three plants in the garden and would like to give one away.  I would donate this root and offer 1 root.  When it is dug up I may have two roots and would then inform the organizer in case they have more than one request.  If you have a plant with 10-15 stems on it you would likely get 3 good sized divisions.  Until you dig the root it is really just an educated guess to how many roots you will have.)
Are they predicting what they will be digging?  Yes they are predicting what might be.  
Have they already dug?  To my knowledge no one has dug these roots.
Are they donating peonies already potted up from their nursery businesses???  All roots are bare and we only have a few roots that come from nurseries.  Surprisingly most of our roots come from the members gardens.  All roots are shipped bare root and not in pots.
What would happen, for example, if I promised some pieces to the root sale, but upon digging, I found that there were not enough pieces? 
If you offered a root of say “Pink Hawaiian Coral” to the sale and then for whatever reason was unable to donate it.  Contact me and I remove it from the list.  If someone has bid on it and there is time I would contact the bidders and give them the option to bid on something else.  If there was no time to inform the bidders I would just leave it and inform them when the sale was over that the root had been pulled. ( since no one but myself and the donor knows where the root is coming from the donor should not feel guilty) 
One year I had several roots offered from one donor but when the roots were dug up they had root gall. We never knowingly offer diseased roots and these were pulled from the sale with apologies to those who bid on them.  So there is only a promise of a root because you never know what will happen once you dig them up.  
What are the Mystery Plants offered in the Root Sale?
These peonies are offered by nursery friends and members alike who have roots they cannot identify.  Take a chance and you pay $25.00 for something that could have cost you more.   
Some members are not sure about digging up there roots, the way to guess at what they can offer or may not want to dig up their roots but still want to participate so they will purchase a root from a nursery and donate that.
The Canadian Peony Society will accept any donation for roots with no strings.  If you can give us a root we greatly appreciate it and if not that’s okay too.

This year we have a varied selection to entice you.  Please take a moment to look over the list, it may surprise you.  You could find that one root for that special spot in the garden.

Deadline to place your order is
Sunday, August 30, 2015

We would like to thank 2015 donors for their time and donations:
Our Nursery Friends
Dutch Girl Peonies      
Ferncliff Gardens
La Pivoinerie D'Aoust
Peonies From The Field

Our Members
Barbara Baker, Doug Bradford, Daniel Lessard,
Marilyn Light, David Maltby,Blaine Marchand/James Robertson, John Milligan, Holly Pender-Love,
Beverly Sheridan, Patricia Stachon,  Nick Visser,
Bill Wegman

Prices for roots are fixed and a fee of $6.00 per root will be added to each order to offset Canada Post rates. NOTE: This fee was increased in 2012 to offset shipping costs.
Please order by email where possible and include your name, mailing address and the names of roots you wish to purchase.  DO NOT send money with your order.

By Mail:    CPS Root Sale,
                c/o  Margaret Sequeira
                                  174 Royal Salisbury Way
                                 Brampton, ON L6V 3J9

Donors will ship directly to the buyer. Where possible roots should be at least 3 to 5 eyes. Donors who wish to be compensated for shipping costs will submit receipts to Margaret Sequeira at address above no later than November 29, 2015.  Please note that any receipts received after this date will not be reimbursed.

Buyers will be randomly selected, where demand exceeds supply .  Shipping dates vary from September to sometime in October.  Buyers will forward a cheque payable to “Canadian Peony Society” to M. Sequeira at above address once all roots have been received.

To see our complete list of 2015 roots please go to the following site

La vente de la racine est notre grande initiative de collecte de fonds. Ouvert aux membres du SPC seulement. Cette année, nous avons un choix varié pour vous séduire. Veuillez prendre un moment pour regarder la liste, il peut vous surprendre. Vous pouvez trouver cette racine pour cet endroit spécial dans le jardin.

Date limite pour passer votre commande -Dimanche, Auguste 30, 2015.

Nous tenons à remercier les donateurs de cette année pours leur temps et de dons:
Dutch Girl Peonies  
Ferncliff Gardens     
La Pivoinerie D'Aoust
Peonies From The Field
Et nos membres:
Barbara Baker, Doug Bradford, Daniel Lessard, Marilyn Light, David Maltby,Blaine Marchand/James Robertson, John Milligan, Holly Pender-Love,Beverly Sheridan, Patricia Stachon,  Nick Visser,
Bill Wegman.

Les prix pour les racines sont fixes et des frais de 6,00 $ par racine seront ajoutés à chaque commande pour compenser les taux de Postes Canada. NOTE: Cette taxe a été augmentée en 2012 pour compenser les coûts d'expédition.

S’il vous plaît, commandez par courriel en indiquant votre nom, votre addresse postale et le nom des pivoines que vous souhaitez acheter. N’envoyez pas d’argent avec votre commande.


Poste: SCP Vente de racines
c/o Margaret Sequeira
174 Royal Salisbury Way
Brampton, ON L6V 3J9

Les bailleurs de fonds seront expédiés directement à l'acheteur. Où racines possibles doivent être d'au moins 3 à 5 yeux. Les bailleurs de fonds qui souhaitent être indemnisés pour les frais d'expédition seront présenter des reçus pour Margaret Sequeira à l'adresse ci-dessus au plus tard le 29 Novembre 2015. S'il vous plaît noter que toutes les recettes reçues après cette date ne seront pas remboursés.

Les acheteurs seront choisis au hasard, où la demande dépasse l'offre. dates de livraison varient de Septembre à Octobre dans le courant. Les acheteurs pourront faire parvenir un chèque au nom de «Société canadienne pivoine" à M. Sequeira à l'adresse ci-dessus une fois que toutes les racines ont été reçus.