About CPS / SCP

About the Founder  by Len Monkman
Our founder John Simkins is indeed a remarkable individual.  In one of our issues I hope to give you a brief history of his life (to-date!) but with limited space I would like to point out that to start a new society in one's eightieth year is itself remarkable.
John is an OHA Master Gardener as many of you will know, who specializes in peonies growing about 1200 of them around his home and maintaining a hive of bees to ensure fertilization.  He is a past President of the American Peony Society and also the Oakville Horticultural  Society (more than once), a past director of the RBG and OHA and a professional member and past Director of the Garden Writers of America.  He finds time to write a weekly column for the Oakville Beaver.  In his "spare time" he serves his church as a bell ringer, prayer giver, reader and chalice bearer and sets up coffee service for the mid week morning service.
On top of all this he also does volunteer Horticultural Therapy at the Oakville hospital with geriatric patients.  As has been said many times "If you want something doing ask a busy person?" That would be John.

About the Society
The Canadian Peony Society was formed in January 1998. Our Constitution was adopted at the first Annual meeting in June 98.

Our aims are: to promote the growing, improving and use of peonies in the garden and for home decoration; to encourage peony breeding to produce distinctly Canadian peony hybrids; to locate and record locally bred peonies, and produce a national registry of collections and their location; and, to sponsor an annual peony show and encourage regional shows.

The Society’s activities include: a quarterly newsletter, "Paeonia Nordica"; an online discussion group on Yahoo; plant sales; a seed exchange; and an annual national flower show. In addition, regional chapters of the Society are being formed, whose activities include local educational meetings, garden tours, and root sales. There is an active Breeding Program and a Heritage programme is being organised. There are currently over 300 members (from Newfoundland to British Columbia) in the Society; membership is open to anyone with an interest in peonies.

Enquiries about the Canadian Peony Society may be directed to info@peony.ca.


Au sujet de la Société canadienne de la pivoine

La Société canadienne de la pivoine fut créée en janvier 1998. Notre Constitution fut adoptée durant la première réunion annuelle en juin 98.

Notre but est de promouvoir la culture, l’amélioration et l’utilisation des pivoines dans l’aménagement de nos jardins; d’encourager l’hybridation des pivoines de façon à obtenir des pivoines typiquement canadiennes, de localiser et d’enregistrer les pivoines développées chez-nous et de créer un registre national des collections et de leur localisation et enfin offrir une exposition annuelle des pivoines et encourager des expositions régionales.

Les activités de la Société incluent un bulletin trimestriel intitulé Paeonia Nordica, un groupe de discussion sur Yahoo, la vente de racines, l’échange de graines et une Exposition florale nationale annuelle (Annual National Flower show). De plus des filiales régionales de la Société sont en développement; leurs activités incluent des réunions locales éducatives, des visites de jardins et la vente de racines. Il existe un programme d'hybridation en pleine activité et un programme Patrimoine est en cours d’organisation. Nous comptons présentement plus de 300 membres (de Terre-Neuve à la Colombie- Britannique).

La Société accueille autant les novices que les spécialistes des pivoines.