By Marilyn HS Light
This article begins
with my account of how a desirable peony was given away, or so I thought, only
to return just three years later, and how this led me into an investigation of
peony roots.
I had planted a packet
of Maurice Menard hybrid peony seeds. Those herbaceous seedlings all bloomed
for the first time in 2009. One was particularly handsome having very early,
self-supporting, large single salmon pink blooms. My garden is not large so I
decided to give the robust plant to a fellow gardener who had space. It was
still a young plant so I did not anticipate a problem until I began digging:
many thick metre-long roots radiated outward in all directions. I would have to
break some if I was ever going to move this plant anywhere. I reluctantly
severed key roots about 30-40 cm from the crown and, with some difficulty,
levered the root ball onto a carrier. My neighbor was warned that he would need
to prepare accordingly but I now had a large space for something else. I filled
the hole, planting cherry tomatoes in 2011 and then pole beans in 2012.
That year, I noticed
some strong leafy peony shoots emerging in from the periphery of the hole. I
thought that these might be tardy seedlings so was careful not to damage them.
In 2013, each stem bloomed, which is when I discovered that what I thought I
had given away had returned five-fold. Each crown showed that it had arisen
from adventitious buds that had formed on severed roots of the original plant.
Five identical but separate blooming stems demonstrated that this peony did not
intend to leave my garden unless every last root remnant was removed.
If we consider the
behaviour of this peony, we may deduce that roots are not merely the
below ground portion but designed to carry plants through hard times, and might
even help ensure species survival if a large part of the plant mass is lost to
natural disaster. As far as I am aware, adventitious bud formation does not
seem to be a universal trait but peonies having this survival capacity could
potentially move to a more suitable, perhaps better drained or brightly lit
Root formation is important to peony
survival both in nature and in the garden. Herbaceous and woody (tree) peonies,
whether germinating seeds, seedlings, or adult plants, all depend upon their
roots to absorb water and mineral nutrients. The integrity of the first
seedling root is essential to the later development of the first shoot. The
success of that first small leafy shoot to expand and photosynthesize is
critical to seedling survival into the next growing season. Even small leaves
can produce a surprising amount of photosynthetic product – sugars that are
converted to starch, which is deposited in a rapidly swelling, carrot-like
storage root. Without adequate starch reserves, over-wintering buds will lack
energy to expand to form a new leafy shoot the following season.
Consider the process
by which starch is formed and stored. Healthy foliage is needed for
photosynthesis. Sugars are thence transported to roots where starch is
accumulated. The process takes time, ending as frost first nips the foliage.
This is one reason why we should wait until late autumn before dividing or
moving a plant. We should pay close attention to having a good amount of storage
roots with the desirable ‘eyes’ whenever dividing a plant. Having a division
with five or more ‘eyes’ but inadequate quantity of starch-filled roots could
set recovery back by one or more seasons.
Lastly, considering
seedlings, you will note from the images how different species produce
starch-storage roots at different developmental stages. The tree peony seedling
is typical: starch is deposited in a swollen stem below the soil surface. By
the 3rd year, more typical storage roots form as well. Paeonia tenuifolia has small delicate
leaflets in its first years and is quite slow at producing storage organs. In
the image, we can see how next year’s shoot buds are already expanding, perhaps
getting a jump-start by using photosynthetic product formed by the present
leaves. Fragile buds and small root system indicates to me that these seedlings
should not be disturbed for at least one more growing season. I find that coir
pots are perfect to shelter such seedlings during the vulnerable first years.
Seedlings of P. mlokosewitschii and P.
peregrina quickly form storage roots. Second year seedlings already have a
couple of such roots. One four-year seedling blooming for the first time had
copious roots when dug this autumn and was also beginning to produce longer
storage roots. I have learned my lesson: it is time to move these!
Marilyn Light gardens in Gatineau,
Québec, where she enjoys raising many plants from seed. The joy is in seeing
the first bloom, having fragrance, and later seeds to share through the exchange.
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